Sunday, May 27, 2012

Missionaries and need greaters!

There are two missionary couples serving here in Tarija and numerous need greaters from many different countries that have come to serve. Last week we had Russel and Janice Underkoffler over for lunch (A missionary couple from Boston,USA that have been serving here since 1989) along with a need greater couple who have been serving here in Bolivia for almost 8 years and are greatly enjoying their retirement serving here in Tarija, Bob and Reenie Marsden. We all had a blast listening to their stories about how they learned the truth and all the decisions and sacrifices they have made that ended them up here in Bolivia. My strong desire for missionary service and determination to continue in my current assignment was deepened as the Underkofflers spoke of Gilead and their experiences here in Bolivia. It’s so beautiful to see the undeserved kindness Jehovah showers upon us as his imperfect servants and how he blesses the efforts we all make to further his name in these last days. Its a real joy and I consider it such a great privilege to meet such faithful brothers and sisters! To enjoy their "down to earth" personalities and encouraging company really made for a very up building afternoon.


  1. "There should be a spiritual reason behind everything we do"
    Sounds like the work being done in Bolivia, Panama, Russia, even here in the states.

  2. awesome, i cannot figure out how to follow this blog but i want to. Are you still in Bolivia? last year i did need greater work in panama, costa rica and dominican republic. I and going back to DR this year, but im thinking about going to Bolivia next year in 2014
