Wednesday, February 15, 2012 new home beautiful. The picture above is one i took from the roof of where we live and gives you a pretty good view of the main part of the city. The people here are very nice and take time to listen when you bring a message about the Bible. The pioneers tell me that you can have as many studies as you want and i have come to find that that is very true. The first day i went out in service, just from the time we went out in the morning, i met 5 people who want to study. The service groups are at 7:30am everyday. While that does require getting up really early especially if we have to walk to the service group, it's awesome because almost everyone in the territory gets up really early so its a good time to catch them home.

There are two 16-year old brothers that just started regular pioneering this year and a 10-year old little boy who was baptized this year (along with his mother and father) and is auxilary pioneering this month with hopes to start regular pioneering this year. Amazing!

I attatched a few pictures of some parts of our territory. The third picture is of a couple in the hall, he is blind and is so amazing at the door! They go out basically everyday and if his wife doesn't go out for some reason he makes sure he gets someone to take him to the group. He teaches the householder with the pictures on the front of the magazines, brochures or tracts pointing out and explaining bible truths based on the illustrations. So encouraging! The first picture is one of the streets in the market where we buy....well anything and everything we need. I am going to my first meeting tommorow and hopefully will be able to load a few more pics. I am hoping to post at least once a month with updates and experiences from my new home in Tarija.....Love you all


  1. Que chevere que las personas escuchen el mensaje y sean amables.... imaginate tener 20 estudios!!!!!

    Oh no, pararme temprano no es lo mio... jk. Yo diria vengan por mi despues de la salida del servicio jajajaja!
    Saludame a los hermanos por alla, especialmente a ese hermanito de 10 anos.
    Las fotos estan super suaves y expectaculares, gracias por dedicarte en tomar fotos para compartir con nosotros.
    Disfruta la reunion y toma mas fotos de los hermanos.

  2. Wow! I thought Daredevil was the only blind superhero. That's encouraging that he has all this zeal despite his blindness. Quite an encouragement. :)

  3. Wow! Bolivia really is un sueno :) The photos are beautiful, the ministry sounds incredible, and the brothers seem so zealous. Love it!

  4. Juan
    Yo y lisandra disfrutamos mucho de las fotos. Y nos llena de alegria ver a otros hermanos de otros paises en la misma labor. Es muy emocionante como a traves de estas fotos podemos palpar que la voluntad de Jehova se esta llevando a la parte mas distante de la tierra.
    Cuidate mucho mija.
