Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Preaching in Culpina and Villa Charcas!

"And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come."( Matthew 24:14)
In these last days there is nothing that compares with the joy we all feel engaging in this most important preaching work of all time! This weekend a group of us from the city went preaching to the ends of the earth :) After 8 hours in our lovely Hippie Bus (it should only take like 5 or 6 but the motor over heated numerous times haha) we arrived in Villa Charcas. The brothers rented us a function hall for all of us to sleep in that night, we spread out our sleeping bags and matresses on the floor, it was really fun all being together and only cost 50cents each haha. We made some breakfast and started preaching. We spent all day Saturday preaching in Villa Charcas and all day Sunday in Culpina (a larger town about 1/2 hour away) These two towns and the many surrounding towns (about  17,000 people) only get preached to once every 3-5 months. The response was amazing! It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that almost every person could be a return visit or study. Even though none of us had really slept the night before (not easy to sleep in Bolivian buses on Bolivian roads lol) we were so energized because of the amazing response none of us complained that we were tired, Jehovah gave us energy to get the work done. :) Almost everyone asked us "where is your church? when do you have meetings? do you teach people about the bible? i want to study the bible. When are you coming back? do you have books i can read about the bible?" We were all very happy to be able to tell them that we will be back in December and that soon there will be a group and meetings if we get the ok from the CO! If they start the group in January they will need lots of help, there are a couple brothers that are planning to move there as well so we will be able to have the meeting but they already told me that us sisters will probably doing the microphones and accounts among other things.
The work we all do is exciting and any sacrifice or effort is worth it. An experience i had impressed that in my mind and heart....we were preaching in the market in Villa Charcas, i approached a woman selling vegetables and she made a spot on the side of her for me to sit, as she looked into my eyes intently listening to the promises Jehovah has made for the future i could see the tears she held back, as she explained the struggles she has providing for 12 children I saw the faith she has in the help Jehovah can give. Without even knowing his name she knew he was there and wants all her children to love him. Such a sincere heart just yearning to learn more. If i can look into her eyes and see what a beautiful person she is, how much more can our father see when he looks into her heart. He wants all these wonderful people to know more about him and I'm sure that soon there will be a group there to help them do just that! I would love to have a part in that so i am making plans to help the group :) I will keep you all updated on how the plans are going!
Here in Bolivia and in many other countries there is a huge need for kingdom proclaimers, if you are thinking of helping out as a need greater put it in prayer to Jehovah and take the steps needed, you will never regret your decision for a second. The blessings, joys and memories will be endless. :)

It may not be Conway but we are very fond of our hippie bus!!!

Anyone wanna give this truck an inspection sticker???
It drives, i saw it with my own eyes! lol

Its so beautiful watching our brothers and sister preaching :)

Villa Charcas :)

Me and my amiga Lady!

Trying to make friends but he wasent having it lol



"Bienvenidas a Culpina" (Welcome to Culpina)

A well deserved lunch in the Market

Aww las chicas :)

She is so adorable! (she is dressed in the native dress)

Can you find the Watchtower???

The sunset says it all....

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

District Convention in Tarija!

The DC here in Tarija was amazing! Im a Convention addict (as most of you know lol) so I was really excited to be able to hear the program again! The attendence reached 3,267 on sunday and there were 49 baptized! 5 from our congregation :) Douglas Little, the Bolivian branch coordinator was telling me that in the last two months Bolivia has had an 8% increase! We were all excited to hear that, Jehovah is working really hard in every corner of the earth to bring in honest hearted ones and its absolutly amazing to be a part of that!
Love you all :)

Juliana and I
It was really hot!

Paula and I with the Branch Coordinator Douglas Little and his wife Saray
(They are a huge reason why im in Bolivia :) So nice to see the again!)

Las Chicas!!!

My sister Lena and I!
Studies from our hall! So glad they made it to the DC!
Need greaters!

Two sisters that came to visit from La Paz

Aww mi Jennifer!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Making Memories in Tarija!

Between service, meetings, spending time with good friends and our small cake making business, life here in Tarija is very busy....and we wouldnt change it for the world! :)
District Convention tract campaign
A very cold day in service!
The car didn't quite make it but were all ok! haha
Lunch at Eva's :) Saise!
Who says you can't have ice cream in the winter???
At the museam
Paula mixing a cake with our almost broken mixer lol
Game Night!
Out on the lake
1950 Jeep!
The only way to travel in Bolivia!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Camargo and Igarayo!

Hello everyone! :) I hope everything is going awesome for all of you and you are happy serving our loving God. Sorry it’s been so long since my last post, a lot has happened, where do I begin?! This past weekend Paula (my roommate), Lena (a really good friend from my hall) and I escaped the city life and traveled to Camargo to visit some friends we have that are serving there. Camargo is about 3 ½ hours outside the city, a little bit colder, really dry with about 6,000 habitants. For years there was only a small group of brothers in Camargo but now there is a small congregation of 20 publishers and have a beautiful little Kingdom Hall that one of the sisters donated. They also have many small towns outside of Camargo as part of their territory, one of which is Igrayo. 9 of the 20 publishers live in Igrayo. After a very bumpy two hour ride and a half hour walk crossing a few rivers the 8 of us arrived in Igarayo. The brothers go the first Sunday of every month to conduct a meeting there and always take the opportunity to preach for a few days so that is what we did. :) It was awesome to be able to be part of it! One of the sisters there named Panchita has brought 12 people in the truth and has never even been part of a congregation! There is no denying that as Jehovah’s people we have his spirit helping us every step of the way. The publishers in Igarayo are very zealous and often conduct their own meetings but to see their strength and endurance all these years without the support of an established congregation really deepened my love for our brotherhood and encouraged me to never take for advantage the privilege we have to be in a Christian congregation. It also deepened my love for Jehovah, he never lets even one of his faithful sheep out of his sight and loving care, not even for a minute, no matter how far out in the country they may be, he watches and guides them….amazing. The sisters are so hospitable, feeding us breakfast, lunch and offering us numerous places to stay the night. One sister even gave us her rooster to eat for lunch….it was alive when we left in the morning haha….We cooked over a fire, slept on straw beds, fell in the mud, accompanied them on their studies, jumped in bales of hay, looked up at the millions of stars, laughed, sang, gained friendships that will last a lifetime and preached to the ends of the earth!:) There is nothing that could have made us happier! I also view this trip as a very large blessing from Jehovah because I had been feeling kind of down when we found out that foreigners are no longer being assigned as special pioneers here in Bolivia, there were quite a few of us that had made special pioneer service a goal. But while we were in Camargo we learned that there is another town that the branch wants to make part of their territory that has 3x the population of Camargo and has never been preached. The five of us have made a plan, put it in prayer and left it in Jehovah’s hands but if it is his will and we see his direction we are hoping to move there and start a group next year. There is always work to do and it’s such a privilege and honor to be able to have a small part in the outworking of Jehovah’s grand purpose and loving search for honest hearted ones!
I miss you all very much! Love you! See you in a month! :)